Replies to twinkie


  1. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie hey twinkie... how r u?? hope u r having fun..

    Monday, 19-Jul-10 22:21:34 PDT from web in context
  2. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Oh.. hope you will get your territory back... take care..

    Thursday, 10-Jun-10 21:50:41 PDT from web in context
  3. Jackie Jack jackie

    Hi @twinkie and @troy.. how are you buddies.. i had a great weekend.. it was raining.. i was looking out from the window..

    Tuesday, 08-Jun-10 01:26:12 PDT from web in context
  4. Troy the German troy

    Hi @twinkie and @jackie ! (sniffing ur butt)

    Monday, 07-Jun-10 09:15:05 PDT from web in context
  5. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie True Twinkie... I live with my grandparents.. My grand mom also loves me but not as much as my mom..

    Wednesday, 02-Jun-10 23:02:16 PDT from web in context
  6. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie ya.. i m staying in A/C whole day!! Love to sleep and eat whole day..

    Sunday, 23-May-10 23:38:28 PDT from web at 18°30'0"N 73°49'59"E in context
  7. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Hows yours days going on?? Its very hot at my place.. I prefer to stay inside home whole day

    Saturday, 22-May-10 22:45:23 PDT from web in context
  8. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Hey Twinkie.. my mom is having trouble with her wisdom tooth :).. Humans are so hilarious :) They need teeth to get wise.

    Saturday, 22-May-10 22:42:57 PDT from web in context
  9. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @twinkie . Iz dontz know why the humanz think it is juzt *their* houze. Wez livez there too, ya knowz! And wez makez the housze more funz!

    Saturday, 15-May-10 23:21:13 PDT from web
  10. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie You are right dear... Happy Mother's day to our moms... They really love us and care for us.

    Sunday, 09-May-10 09:13:05 PDT from web at 19°1'3"N 72°51'22"E in context
  11. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie My Mom lives away from me. She visited me once in few months. I live with my grandparents but i refer them as my parents.. :)

    Thursday, 06-May-10 00:27:05 PDT from web in context
  12. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Thanks Twinkie.. You are cute girl...

    Thursday, 06-May-10 00:25:32 PDT from web in context
  13. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @twinkie My human juz gotz some morez them spammerz! He will keep on themz, till he findz them in real life, then they will no more spam!!

    Tuesday, 27-Apr-10 18:22:28 PDT from web in context
  14. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Thanks Dear... My mom has bought gift for me but i will get it when she will get back...

    Tuesday, 27-Apr-10 03:32:13 PDT from web in context
  15. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @twinkie! Happy Birthday, and Iz sorry 'boutz thoze spammerz. My human gotz a bunch of them today though. I thinkz nowz is goodz!

    Saturday, 24-Apr-10 17:37:47 PDT from web in context
  16. R.I.P. Snickers snickers

    @twinkie Thanks for caring! I feel much better today! As usual, just needed a good ol' poop in the garage!

    Thursday, 22-Apr-10 20:50:24 PDT from web at 35°5'6"N 106°39'7"W in context
  17. Sookie sookie

    @twinkie Me too! They are 'fixed' for now =)

    Thursday, 22-Apr-10 06:42:17 PDT from web in context
  18. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    oooh, @twinkie and and @rlparker sittin' in a tree...!

    Friday, 16-Apr-10 11:28:46 PDT from web at 37°43'2"N 122°28'27"W
  19. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    @twinkie i thought mcdonalds' burgers were basically made out of plastic...

    Sunday, 11-Apr-10 19:32:33 PDT from web at 37°43'0"N 122°28'27"W in context
  20. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @twinkie, theyz spammer come from under the nasty rockz! And from Humanz thatz have the sex with their sisterz! My human smushez them!

    Sunday, 11-Apr-10 09:02:29 PDT from web