Replies to snickers
@snickers Sorry to hear about Snickers! :-(
@snickers dad.... I'm very sorry to hear of Snickers passing. Your tribute was a great honor to Snickers. We'll miss Snickers posts.
@snickers - and to snickersDad. I am so sorry for your loss. That is a nice tribute page you made!
Wednesday, 19-May-10 14:44:20 PDT from web -
@snickers Nothing better than a nap in the sun
@snickers - ZOMG!! Thankz for that link for @sookie ! I can has lotz of likez for that! My human has likez for it too! U iz a good dog!!
Friday, 23-Apr-10 12:43:21 PDT from web -
@snickers i m feeling sad for you... They come to visit you only once... thats not fair... why dont you go to their home?
@snickers I'm hoping you feel better to. Not fun to be sick.
Yeah great idea @snickers. !twitter is da best!
@snickers that's a pretty sweet name snickers!