Replies to rlparker
@rlparker OMG I'd be in hidingz to. I shouldz chewz up those doctorz and Spitz themz out in the sewerz
@rlparker try to look innocent, and cute. What about offering them something ? Like a dead mouse or... Oh, wait... *runs*
@rlparker oh yoz better goz in hidding
@rlparker that suckz...why do humanz thinkz they can takez over when they're home Wez havz no problemz when theyz gone.
@rlparker we can forbid spammers to post the URL in posts... who is managing the site?
@rlparker Can we do something so that these spammers can never come back?
@rlparker thankz I know your human is working hard at keeping them spammerz out.
@rlparker your human gets to rest until they attack us again
@rlparker I like you
@rlparker I'm glad your human got them.I'd like to tear them apart.
@rlparker What iz "bath?"
Friday, 26-Mar-10 06:36:46 PDT from web -
@rlparker I gots one of those last week. I squirmed a little but then. THEY LET ME GO OUTSIDE!! oh boy. I iz 14, first time outside! Yea!!!