rlparker and friends


  1. ElGatoLoco rlparker


    Friday, 09-Apr-10 12:14:01 PDT from web
  2. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @rlparker I'm glad your human got them.I'd like to tear them apart.

    Thursday, 08-Apr-10 22:28:36 PDT from web in context
  3. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @twinkie - I Hatez on them spammers, and soes does my Human, and he kill0rz them when he seez them. I thinkz he gotz them all just now!

    Thursday, 08-Apr-10 20:14:04 PDT from web in context
  4. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    WTF Human!? I juz figured out that piece of plywood in the door iz blocking a Cat door! You bastard! I can haz come and goez az I pleeze!!

    Monday, 05-Apr-10 16:58:18 PDT from web
  5. ElGatoLoco rlparker


    Sunday, 04-Apr-10 10:42:08 PDT from web
  6. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Ha! My huuman iz cleaning the pool! Wait till he seez what I hidez in there under the green water! HA! ZOMG will he be surpized ZOMG!!!

    Monday, 29-Mar-10 13:33:43 PDT from web
  7. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Iz got to seez the Sue on the Saturday!! Woo Hoo! Caturday for me! I iz lovin' Sue, and happy to seez her, and hugz, her, and bitez her !!!

    Monday, 29-Mar-10 13:32:30 PDT from web
  8. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Those spammerz show'ded up again, but the humanz saw them and deleted their nasty profiles. Hooray for the humanz who hate on the spammers!

    Monday, 29-Mar-10 11:22:42 PDT from web
  9. Lily Lunchmoney lilylunch

    @rlparker What iz "bath?"

    Friday, 26-Mar-10 06:36:46 PDT from web
  10. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @lilylunch - U r Lucky. My human never *lets* me go outside. I getz out anyway sometimez cuz I am the sneaky! That bath thing wuz strange!

    Friday, 26-Mar-10 01:23:01 PDT from web
  11. Lily Lunchmoney lilylunch

    @rlparker I gots one of those last week. I squirmed a little but then. THEY LET ME GO OUTSIDE!! oh boy. I iz 14, first time outside! Yea!!!

    Wednesday, 24-Mar-10 07:21:27 PDT from web in context
  12. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    If I evar see one of U spamtards for reals, I will mark my territory by spraying UR face. Just sayin' .. cause U Suck and I clawsz U eyez!

    Tuesday, 23-Mar-10 11:58:58 PDT from web
  13. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Fine! I'll let U put that stupid cat leash thing on me this time. You can even adjust it so I don't escape. But you'll have to drag me. HA!

    Tuesday, 23-Mar-10 11:53:44 PDT from web in context
  14. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    OMG!! 140characters is not nearly enough to describe this. What is this "Bath"? Uh huh! No way! I scratch and claw your flesh!! LET ME GO!!

    Monday, 22-Mar-10 12:55:18 PDT from web
  15. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Heya my Human! How're they hangin! Me? Yeah, I was out all night dude! Yeah, found some dirt and rolled in it. Wait! WTF?? ZOMG!!! NOoo! ..

    Monday, 22-Mar-10 12:39:40 PDT from web
  16. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Had me 'nother little run around the "outside world" today. My person is getting slower with the door, and I pwned him! Ha! Back in an hour!

    Saturday, 20-Mar-10 19:57:19 PDT from web
  17. Conan D. Catterton conan

    If only someone would post a link to a website about Brazilian diet pills. My owners would surely benefit.

    Wednesday, 17-Mar-10 14:22:43 PDT from web
  18. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    HA! I jupmz at the mail slot in Ur Door, and I EATZ your mail! HA! I can has mail, not U! U can has mail shredz! HA!

    Wednesday, 17-Mar-10 11:34:04 PDT from web
  19. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    My human has opened all the windowz!! ZOMG! I can has sunshinez and warmz!! Sleeping in the windowz sillz in the sunz iz best snooze! HA!

    Tuesday, 16-Mar-10 13:05:16 PDT from web
  20. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    ZOMG!!! Earth alll shakin' an shit an U R not herez! ZOMG!!! If you die will I ever eat again? ZOMG!!!

    Tuesday, 16-Mar-10 09:17:32 PDT from web