rlparker and friends
@twinke Iz been in the hidingz, cuz I heard my human sayingz that my shotz are due, and Iz don 't likez to haz the shotz!! ZOMG!!
Hoorayz!!! Iz having a vizit today from my friend Kimberly!! She iz the best cuz she playz with me and givez me the rubz and cuddlez! :)
Friday, 21-May-10 11:40:31 PDT from web -
@loganrock - Duz youz take the dogzbitez cazez? Cuz some dogz duz the bitingz and stuffz. U wud never takez a Catz biting case, wud U?
Wednesday, 19-May-10 15:15:06 PDT from web -
@snickers - and to snickersDad. I am so sorry for your loss. That is a nice tribute page you made!
Wednesday, 19-May-10 14:44:20 PDT from web -
@rlparker try to look innocent, and cute. What about offering them something ? Like a dead mouse or... Oh, wait... *runs*
@rlparker oh yoz better goz in hidding
Oh noez! Iz in big troublez! I wuz playing and I jumpz on the table and brokez expenzive Vaze from the Germany place. Human iz not amuzed :(
@twinkie . Iz dontz know why the humanz think it is juzt *their* houze. Wez livez there too, ya knowz! And wez makez the housze more funz!
Saturday, 15-May-10 23:21:13 PDT from web -
@rlparker that suckz...why do humanz thinkz they can takez over when they're home Wez havz no problemz when theyz gone.
ZOMFG!! Thiz is the suckz!! Why duz my Human not let me play on hiz 'puter when he workz from home? I playz on it when he workz away! :P
Monday, 10-May-10 08:38:50 PDT from web -
@jackie My human sayz hiz friendz iz looking atz some changez for stopping spammerz, but no URL iz not best as some URLz is good!
Thursday, 29-Apr-10 13:00:53 PDT from web -
@rlparker we can forbid spammers to post the URL in posts... who is managing the site?
@rlparker Can we do something so that these spammers can never come back?
@twinkie My human juz gotz some morez them spammerz! He will keep on themz, till he findz them in real life, then they will no more spam!!
@rlparker thankz I know your human is working hard at keeping them spammerz out.
@twinkie! Happy Birthday, and Iz sorry 'boutz thoze spammerz. My human gotz a bunch of them today though. I thinkz nowz is goodz!
@snickers - ZOMG!! Thankz for that link for @sookie ! I can has lotz of likez for that! My human has likez for it too! U iz a good dog!!
Friday, 23-Apr-10 12:43:21 PDT from web -
HA! zo human left sock drawerz open aginz! PARTY! Sockz is here, sockz iz there! SOCKZ IZ EVERYWHEREZ!! I can haz sockz funz! Life iz goodz!
Friday, 23-Apr-10 09:22:57 PDT from web -
HA! Iz knockz my humanz water class off of hiz nightztand twoz timez !! He yellz, fillz it up, and I knockz it off againz! HA! I am funz!!
Thursday, 22-Apr-10 11:28:00 PDT from web
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