olivia and friends


  1. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    Hate spammerz on my Birthday. RLParkerz human is going to terminate you jerkz. I'm Ginger to bite you when I find you I don't like your junk

    Saturday, 24-Apr-10 13:25:52 PDT from web
  2. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    It's my Birthday...mom says next year I can collect social security yeaaa treatz for all my friendz. The party will be at my house.

    Saturday, 24-Apr-10 10:53:11 PDT from web
  3. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    Good Day...mom is fishing on the Wii and I'm sunbathing watch out Goldie!

    Friday, 23-Apr-10 12:51:54 PDT from web
  4. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @snickers - ZOMG!! Thankz for that link for @sookie ! I can has lotz of likez for that! My human has likez for it too! U iz a good dog!!

    Friday, 23-Apr-10 12:43:21 PDT from web
  5. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    HA! zo human left sock drawerz open aginz! PARTY! Sockz is here, sockz iz there! SOCKZ IZ EVERYWHEREZ!! I can haz sockz funz! Life iz goodz!

    Friday, 23-Apr-10 09:22:57 PDT from web
  6. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    HA! Iz knockz my humanz water class off of hiz nightztand twoz timez !! He yellz, fillz it up, and I knockz it off againz! HA! I am funz!!

    Thursday, 22-Apr-10 11:28:00 PDT from web
  7. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @sookie thank you Sookie

    Thursday, 22-Apr-10 07:29:08 PDT from web in context
  8. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @snickers I'm hoping you feel better to. Not fun to be sick.

    Wednesday, 21-Apr-10 17:15:15 PDT from web in context
  9. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    I hate spammers

    Wednesday, 21-Apr-10 14:18:39 PDT from web in context
  10. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @rlparker your human gets to rest until they attack us again

    Tuesday, 20-Apr-10 15:21:24 PDT from web in context
  11. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    Yeeeaaaa human Auntie is here from PA get have company when mom goes to work.

    Tuesday, 20-Apr-10 15:17:14 PDT from web
  12. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @sookie Thaz nice! Makez me has purrz to hearz thiz! Happy Cat is the me now! Sleepz for me!

    Tuesday, 20-Apr-10 09:19:32 PDT from web in context
  13. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @jackie -WHEREZ? My human gotz and killedz a bunch of themz ratz bastardz yesterday. Did he miss one? Tell me who he iz, and we killz him!

    Tuesday, 20-Apr-10 08:55:40 PDT from web
  14. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    ZOMG!! Iz can haz head smushed in the door againz trying to boltz outsidez!! Doez a Lopzided head makez me lookz less the sexy?? ZOMG!!

    Sunday, 18-Apr-10 20:01:15 PDT from web
  15. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    my mom and dad's friends love me so much that they got a puppy and named her olivia too!

    Saturday, 17-Apr-10 20:11:32 PDT from web at 37°43'2"N 122°28'27"W
  16. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @tiger-Myz Human jus' bannedz 6 of those spammerz ratz bastardz. We hatez on them too!!

    Saturday, 17-Apr-10 09:35:43 PDT from web
  17. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    oooh, @twinkie and and @rlparker sittin' in a tree...!

    Friday, 16-Apr-10 11:28:46 PDT from web at 37°43'2"N 122°28'27"W
  18. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @rlparker I like you

    Friday, 16-Apr-10 10:21:27 PDT from web in context
  19. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    GROWLZZ! BItez U Human spammerz trash. Die!! Wez hatez on you and don't carez 'boutz what U sayz!! Human dating and campz! You suckz! I Kill

    Friday, 16-Apr-10 09:23:12 PDT from web in context
  20. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @olivia those must have been some good cookies. Wish i could be so lucky.

    Thursday, 15-Apr-10 07:36:28 PDT from web in context