Replies to jackson


  1. Sookie sookie

    @jackson I think Dad got 'em all again but they certainly are annoying wastes of oxygen.

    Wednesday, 21-Apr-10 08:16:24 PDT from web in context
  2. Fiona princessfiona

    @jackson not gonna happen...i let you live here...isn't that enough?

    Tuesday, 23-Mar-10 09:39:30 PDT from web in context
  3. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @jackson Did it happen Jackson? Did you lose your manhood? Must you have a cone. Why can humans not trust us?

    Thursday, 18-Mar-10 18:07:00 PDT from web in context
  4. kristy burgy

    @jackson Good luck I had my fem parts out. It's the damn cone that is most annoying, not to mention NOT eating all those hours before.

    Tuesday, 16-Mar-10 08:15:00 PDT from web in context