jackson and friends
@rlparker OMG I'd be in hidingz to. I shouldz chewz up those doctorz and Spitz themz out in the sewerz
RLParker where uz been havent seenz you online didz your humanz take your computer mizz u
Wednesday, 02-Jun-10 22:28:34 PDT from web -
@jackie glad you're mom is meeting uz. It's lonely without our momz.
Mom sayz I need chorez don't no what it meanz but don't like it. Mom needz to chill out and let me sleep.
Monday, 31-May-10 07:48:15 PDT from web -
Whatz a holidaz....momz taken over the house
Monday, 31-May-10 07:29:16 PDT from web -
@jackie Too hot not good!!!!
@jackie Last week was warm at my place, but woke up today with rain and cold. I need sun so I can go lizard hunting. You better stay in a/c.
@jackie Humanz not like us.....Wez wise without teeth. Humanz need to learn from us. Humanz are hilarious!
I totally don't get badminton. A shuttlecock has zero redeeming chewing value.
Sunday, 23-May-10 12:51:00 PDT from web -
Goldie has your human been keeping your water cleanz
Saturday, 22-May-10 21:39:17 PDT from web -
@jackie Hey Jackie where you been you been out in the sun and not on your momz computer
Wow....no spammerz someone has good humanz
Saturday, 22-May-10 21:32:05 PDT from web -
@snickers dad.... I'm very sorry to hear of Snickers passing. Your tribute was a great honor to Snickers. We'll miss Snickers posts.
Just back from the groomer. I look like a Marine in my new summer cut.
Tuesday, 18-May-10 15:37:09 PDT from web -
@rlparker oh yoz better goz in hidding
@rlparker that suckz...why do humanz thinkz they can takez over when they're home Wez havz no problemz when theyz gone.
I is likes soft blankets :D
Monday, 10-May-10 13:36:59 PDT from web -
But momz we don't need bathz...
Sunday, 09-May-10 06:19:04 PDT from web -
Happy Mother's Day to you adopted momz. Wez really love you and thankz you for loving us like your own Kidz and taking good care of uz.
To where ever my real mom is I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day. To my adopted Mom I love you and thanks.
Sunday, 09-May-10 06:11:10 PDT from web
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