jackie's favorite notices

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  1. Phoenix phoenix

    Napping=10 hours. Staring out the window=2 hours. Meowing by the front door=1/2 hour. Scratching up the new furniture=priceless.

    Thursday, 20-May-10 13:55:42 PDT from web in context
  2. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    Happy Mother's Day to you adopted momz. Wez really love you and thankz you for loving us like your own Kidz and taking good care of uz.

    Sunday, 09-May-10 06:16:48 PDT from web in context
  3. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    Grrrrllll I'm going to eat spammerz and Spitz them out in the sewerz.

    Tuesday, 04-May-10 06:24:03 PDT from web
  4. Jackie Jack jackie

    @Spammer ... Fu*k you... will eat your bones if u come in front of me...

    Monday, 26-Apr-10 21:53:59 PDT from web at 18°30'27"N 73°50'3"E
  5. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Thanks Dear... My mom has bought gift for me but i will get it when she will get back...

    Tuesday, 27-Apr-10 03:32:13 PDT from web in context