isaboo and friends
If I evar see one of U spamtards for reals, I will mark my territory by spraying UR face. Just sayin' .. cause U Suck and I clawsz U eyez!
Tuesday, 23-Mar-10 11:58:58 PDT from web -
Fine! I'll let U put that stupid cat leash thing on me this time. You can even adjust it so I don't escape. But you'll have to drag me. HA!
OMG!! 140characters is not nearly enough to describe this. What is this "Bath"? Uh huh! No way! I scratch and claw your flesh!! LET ME GO!!
Monday, 22-Mar-10 12:55:18 PDT from web -
Heya my Human! How're they hangin! Me? Yeah, I was out all night dude! Yeah, found some dirt and rolled in it. Wait! WTF?? ZOMG!!! NOoo! ..
Monday, 22-Mar-10 12:39:40 PDT from web -
Had me 'nother little run around the "outside world" today. My person is getting slower with the door, and I pwned him! Ha! Back in an hour!
Saturday, 20-Mar-10 19:57:19 PDT from web -
@isaboo HI, BIRD! HI!
If only someone would post a link to a website about Brazilian diet pills. My owners would surely benefit.
Wednesday, 17-Mar-10 14:22:43 PDT from web -
HA! I jupmz at the mail slot in Ur Door, and I EATZ your mail! HA! I can has mail, not U! U can has mail shredz! HA!
Wednesday, 17-Mar-10 11:34:04 PDT from web -
My human has opened all the windowz!! ZOMG! I can has sunshinez and warmz!! Sleeping in the windowz sillz in the sunz iz best snooze! HA!
Tuesday, 16-Mar-10 13:05:16 PDT from web -
ZOMG!!! Earth alll shakin' an shit an U R not herez! ZOMG!!! If you die will I ever eat again? ZOMG!!!
Tuesday, 16-Mar-10 09:17:32 PDT from web -
Thankz for leavin' the door open so I can has come home when I want. It was nice out there, but I am glad to be home. I POUNCEZ on U now!!
Monday, 15-Mar-10 17:14:02 PDT from web -
HA! I ESCAPED! I am in UR neighohoodz chattin' up UR neighborz and makin' fiendz! HAVIN' FUNZ! I CAN HJAS FREEDOMZ!!! NOW COMZ CATCH ME!
Monday, 15-Mar-10 11:10:24 PDT from web -
WTF are you sweeping for? I consider the shredded paper all over to be "performance art", you cretin!
Sunday, 14-Mar-10 15:29:31 PDT from web -
HA! I jumpz on top yo' TV, and trash your Roku box, converter, and antenna! I can has attentionz! No TV for you! Play with ME! Take That!
Saturday, 13-Mar-10 04:30:42 PST from web -
Go ahead! Vacuum all you want. I can shred more toilet paper and chew up more foam flip flops as soon as you go to work, or sleep. Whatever!
Monday, 08-Mar-10 19:10:05 PST from web -
Last night my humans tried to make me beg for food. Beg! I am not a dog. Dogs are the worst. If this keeps up something bad will happen.
Hanging out with my buddies at the kennel and getting my stink on!
@ceilingcat What is denting?
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