isaboo and friends
ZOMG!! World Cup weekend coming! I getz to eatz lots of snackz off my humanz plate whilez he watchez the matchez. Nom Nom Nom. I Likez it!
Saturday, 10-Jul-10 09:46:29 PDT from web -
@sockababy - ZOMG! Spamtardz! I hatez them, and my human hatez them too. He killz them! Stupid spamtardz die die die!!! Now time for napz.
Thursday, 08-Jul-10 13:19:53 PDT from web -
Wishez I kud go outsidez. Laying in the sunz at the windoz watching humaz swim iz the suckz.
Thursday, 24-Jun-10 14:48:05 PDT from web -
@brandy Yeah! Theyz keep on coming back the ratz baztardz! My Human just deleted sum mor of themz. :( Grrrrrowl!
Tuesday, 22-Jun-10 21:14:12 PDT from web -
OK Spammerz gone now, soz maybe now I get the rubz! Purrrr!
Sunday, 20-Jun-10 21:16:51 PDT from web -
ZOMG ! My human wuz gone for 2 dayz, and the spammerz came again ratz baztardz!! I wanted the rubz when he came home gotz spammerz insteadz!
Sunday, 20-Jun-10 21:16:14 PDT from web -
Iz need sum helpz herez cuz my human iz getting mo' bettah at keeping me from ezcaping, and I am missing my out the doorz friendz! Halp Me!
Wednesday, 16-Jun-10 08:56:50 PDT from web -
ZOMG!! Shortezt ezcape evar!! So, Sneaked around the door, and human took out trazh, so I did it! Stopped to play with lizard. Human haz me!
Saturday, 05-Jun-10 11:41:29 PDT from web -
@twinke Iz been in the hidingz, cuz I heard my human sayingz that my shotz are due, and Iz don 't likez to haz the shotz!! ZOMG!!
Hoorayz!!! Iz having a vizit today from my friend Kimberly!! She iz the best cuz she playz with me and givez me the rubz and cuddlez! :)
Friday, 21-May-10 11:40:31 PDT from web -
@loganrock - Duz youz take the dogzbitez cazez? Cuz some dogz duz the bitingz and stuffz. U wud never takez a Catz biting case, wud U?
Wednesday, 19-May-10 15:15:06 PDT from web -
@snickers - and to snickersDad. I am so sorry for your loss. That is a nice tribute page you made!
Wednesday, 19-May-10 14:44:20 PDT from web -
Oh noez! Iz in big troublez! I wuz playing and I jumpz on the table and brokez expenzive Vaze from the Germany place. Human iz not amuzed :(
@twinkie . Iz dontz know why the humanz think it is juzt *their* houze. Wez livez there too, ya knowz! And wez makez the housze more funz!
Saturday, 15-May-10 23:21:13 PDT from web -
ZOMFG!! Thiz is the suckz!! Why duz my Human not let me play on hiz 'puter when he workz from home? I playz on it when he workz away! :P
Monday, 10-May-10 08:38:50 PDT from web -
@jackie My human sayz hiz friendz iz looking atz some changez for stopping spammerz, but no URL iz not best as some URLz is good!
Thursday, 29-Apr-10 13:00:53 PDT from web -
@twinkie My human juz gotz some morez them spammerz! He will keep on themz, till he findz them in real life, then they will no more spam!!
@twinkie! Happy Birthday, and Iz sorry 'boutz thoze spammerz. My human gotz a bunch of them today though. I thinkz nowz is goodz!
@snickers - ZOMG!! Thankz for that link for @sookie ! I can has lotz of likez for that! My human has likez for it too! U iz a good dog!!
Friday, 23-Apr-10 12:43:21 PDT from web
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