I like to chase cats. Zinc nutrition is important to me. Find out more nutrition tips at http://zincnutrition.blogspot.com
These are the people who listen to haileyc's notices.
I like to chase cats. Zinc nutrition is important to me. Find out more nutrition tips at http://zincnutrition.blogspot.com
Hello! I'm Troy!!! I like to act soo cute and play with you and you doggie!!! If you come into my house, I kill you!!! Hurray!!!
I am a tabby that was born on a farm and raised by a little boy. Now I'm 23 and teh boy ish a man. I am deaf, but still lovable!
Mature and persnickety lady of the Dachshund-Terrier persuasion. Loved dearly and now passed. 1995-2010
Male Samoyed, 17 years old. Bad breath, weak hips, lots of sleep in eyes. Neutered.
- Sleeping - Eating - Eating other animals food - Headbutting - Attention whoring - Rubbing my face on everything
For the love of God and all that is holy: FEED ME!
I'm an old snowshoe getting on this technology bandwagon. I turned 20 this month.I like cat snacks, water dish and sleeping.
I annoy those around me and pee in the hallway. I'm scared of birds, rubber gloves and the recycle bin.