

  1. Jackie Jack jackie

    It feels so good to see it free of spammers...

    Wednesday, 05-May-10 22:29:20 PDT from web
    1. Princess Twinkie twinkie

      @jackie youz right finally sneak the computer from mom and no iz nice.

      Thursday, 06-May-10 00:19:20 PDT from web
      1. Jackie Jack jackie

        @twinkie Thanks Twinkie.. You are cute girl...

        Thursday, 06-May-10 00:25:32 PDT from web
      2. Jackie Jack jackie

        @twinkie My Mom lives away from me. She visited me once in few months. I live with my grandparents but i refer them as my parents.. :)

        Thursday, 06-May-10 00:27:05 PDT from web
        1. Jackie Jack jackie

          @jackie My mom updates status for me... Hopefully when she will get back home. i will take computer from her just like you..

          Thursday, 06-May-10 00:28:29 PDT from web