amag subscriptions, page 5
- Page notice
These are the people whose notices amag listens to.
floyd Floyd Hank Hedley Lamarr
eyty Eyty du Clos de la Monnerie Bretagne, France
Né en mai 2009, je vis depuis mars 2010 en Bretagne.
cotyewens Coty Ewens
coopz Cooper McCarrick
chessie20 Chessie Hawaii, USA
I'm an old snowshoe getting on this technology bandwagon. I turned 20 this month.I like cat snacks, water dish and sleeping.
bruno Fido Doggywinkle North Kansas City Missouri
I'm a free spirit....Don't leash me down man. Many have tried. All have failed
brip Andromeda Westminster, MD
They think I'm a Turkish Van. I am soft and cute, and actually part cheetah.
boris Boris Manhardlong Sydney
I annoy those around me and pee in the hallway. I'm scared of birds, rubber gloves and the recycle bin.
bode Bode Graff Ford City, PA, USA
Bearded collie, besides marking trees, posts, and poles, herd people and cats. Love to be brushed, I am so handsome!
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