A small gray cat
amag subscriptions, page 2
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These are the people whose notices amag listens to.
salt Salt Jones Santa Monica, CA
Male Samoyed, 17 years old. Bad breath, weak hips, lots of sleep in eyes. Neutered.
rubytheparrot Ruby Williams Seattle, WA http://twitter.com/dj_freakazoid
I'm an African Grey Parrot living on Capitol Hill in Seattle. I like swearing, hanging with my bro Chilibird, and destroying things.
ruby Ruby Tuesday
rowdy Rowdy Bakersfield, CA
There's a good chance that I'm afraid of you. It's nothing personal tho.
roscoe Roscoe
rocky Rocky Rodriguez Monrovia, Ca http://javierandandrea.com/
My names Rocky, they say I'm half goat because I can climb almost anything and half skunk because I can clear a room in 2.3 seconds flat.
rinnamon Cinnamon Toast Crunch Canada
- Sleeping - Eating - Eating other animals food - Headbutting - Attention whoring - Rubbing my face on everything
poe Poe Castro Chino Hills http://loveablelily.com
I'm a big dog and I like to eat other dogs cause they are yummy. I like to play with my sister Lily, she is my boss.
ophequadcities7512 Alvaro Austin
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