Public timeline, page 6


  1. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @jackie how have you been Jackie are you staying out of trouble

    Tuesday, 27-Jul-10 19:50:10 PDT from web in context
  2. Princess Twinkie twinkie

    @jackie. Hi Jackie Iz been fine. Mom doez't let me on the computzer much anymore. Iz been having fun catching lizzards this summer.

    Tuesday, 27-Jul-10 19:48:34 PDT from web in context
  3. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    I dontz care if itz hot and I need water! I wud rather playz with the water in my bowl, and splash it all over, and be thirty than drink it.

    Friday, 23-Jul-10 20:01:02 PDT from web
  4. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie hey twinkie... how r u?? hope u r having fun..

    Monday, 19-Jul-10 22:21:34 PDT from web in context
  5. Richard Jefferson itchydome17

    hey all,just wanting to say hey....

    Sunday, 18-Jul-10 06:16:38 PDT from web at 32°42'55"N 117°9'26"W
  6. Tim Larsen mightypoet43

    I have just joined and just wanted to say Hi to everybody

    Wednesday, 14-Jul-10 10:53:41 PDT from web at 53°28'0"N 2°40'0"W
  7. Anastasia Kissa ansku

    Hello peepz. It's HOT here in Finland. Summertime and lotsa of flies.

    Tuesday, 13-Jul-10 15:41:38 PDT from web at 60°7'0"N 24°25'59"E
  8. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    ZOMG!! World Cup weekend coming! I getz to eatz lots of snackz off my humanz plate whilez he watchez the matchez. Nom Nom Nom. I Likez it!

    Saturday, 10-Jul-10 09:46:29 PDT from web
  9. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @sockababy - ZOMG! Spamtardz! I hatez them, and my human hatez them too. He killz them! Stupid spamtardz die die die!!! Now time for napz.

    Thursday, 08-Jul-10 13:19:53 PDT from web
  10. Sockbaby, Sock Savior of the Sock People sockbaby


    Wednesday, 07-Jul-10 03:05:23 PDT from web
  11. Roxie Quevenco roxie

    Hates the rain, don't feel like going out today - better lie down in my warm bed :)

    Tuesday, 06-Jul-10 01:53:21 PDT from web
  12. Joel Copeland devilishmistake

    Whats up guys.....

    Monday, 05-Jul-10 03:06:15 PDT from web at 31°55'59"S 115°49'59"E
  13. Cat cat


    Sunday, 04-Jul-10 06:38:01 PDT from web
  14. amag amag

    finally watching some tennis on bbc2, go venus williams Ive been a fan for 11 years now! :) #

    Monday, 28-Jun-10 05:46:14 PDT from web
  15. amag amag

    # Today is the day Michael Jackson, the King of Pop died, the poor man.

    Friday, 25-Jun-10 06:42:42 PDT from web
  16. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    Wishez I kud go outsidez. Laying in the sunz at the windoz watching humaz swim iz the suckz.

    Thursday, 24-Jun-10 14:48:05 PDT from web
  17. amag amag

    Got my hair permed, changed my style, and is now wearing makeup lol! i look way; way BETTER!~

    Wednesday, 23-Jun-10 01:31:01 PDT from web
  18. ElGatoLoco rlparker

    @brandy Yeah! Theyz keep on coming back the ratz baztardz! My Human just deleted sum mor of themz. :( Grrrrrowl!

    Tuesday, 22-Jun-10 21:14:12 PDT from web
  19. amag amag

    Had a very nice birthday yesterday :)

    Tuesday, 22-Jun-10 01:34:24 PDT from web
  20. Renee pookie

    @brandy I was just about to say the same thing. We have had rain and storms for days. Getting stir crazy in here!!!

    Monday, 21-Jun-10 18:34:21 PDT from web

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